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Let’s shape the future, together

OCTO analyses market and consumer shifts and creates solutions to satisfy emerging needs.

Vehicle as your best ally

OCTO has a robust portfolio of telematics solutions to make any vehicle a valuable ally in everyday life.

People connected to Things

With OCTO’s telematics solutions, daily activities can be smarter and safer.

Living connected

With OCTO’s telematics solutions, surroundings can be smoother and easier.

DriverMate is your travel companion with lots of services on the go.

Stories from a Connected World

News and Stories from a Connected World

Discover more about our increasingly Connected World

OCTO has all the tools, from shared platforms to devices and Apps, to offer the best possible services.

Connected Vehicles

Working, Living, Travelling. Everything revolves around vehicles. And when the vehicle is connected, everything becomes easier.

Connected People

You are the center and everything around you can be smoother and easier with technology.

Connected Living

Everything is connected. Our daily activites can be smarter and safer with IoT and AI.

OCTO end-to-end Solution Overview

An integrated ecosystem of services, devices and applications that drive your business forward and make lives safer and easier.

  • Digital Operator Interface

    White label interface designed to support customers, modeled on the basis of the role of the operator and the type of business model, in order to manage both innovative and complex, and simple functionalities.

  • OCTO IoT Platform

    Platform that collects data from connected things in real time, analyzes it using proprietary algorithms, and transforms it into actionable intelligence to create tailor-made solutions for customers.

  • Connected Things

    Set of devices, sensors and applications that detect and collect data from connected “things” to optimize business processes, reduce costs and provide value-added services to your customers for a better connected life.

  • Digital End User Interface

    Interface that allows your customers to consult the information collected through connected “things” and access dedicated services and features on smartphones, tablets or PCs.

OCTO means

The perfect Partner to enable your innovation and growth

Innovative Solutions

OCTO offers innovative customized solutions for a variety of industries

Smart Tools

OCTO has smart tools that transform IoT Big Data into business value

Easy to Use Devices

OCTO offers the full spectrum of Devices to satisfy any business need

Numbers that matter

OCTO doesn’t know borders. Its smart solutions are the telematics answer to the needs of customers of any industry and geographical area.

+6 Mln

Over six million connected users


Over 100 partners


Offices around the world

Data Collected
+280 Bln

More than 280 billion miles of driving data collected

Events Analysed

Over 480.000 crashes and insurance events analysed


More than 400.000 rentals per month

OCTO works alongside


OCTO on air

News, studies and research from the connected world.


Stories from a Connected World

Discover how you can take the next step forward

Contact us for more information or to request a demo to discover how OCTO can help your business thrive.

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