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OCTO highlights its presence in and its commitment to the Italian Pavilion through the video “Saper Fare”(Know-how)

made by Maestro Michele Tranquillini and coordinated by Artistic Director Davide Rampello.

Italian Pavilion EXPO 2020 Dubai

Beauty Connects People

In the countless forms of beauty there are also those that, unconsciously, each of us contributes to determine with the harmony of the daily gestures of individuals and the community.

The purpose of the OCTO project is to represent a new form of beauty that transforms the movements, stops and paths of visitors into numbers and data.
This representation of the movements of individuals and the crowd gives shape to the overall harmony of connections by interpreting their beauty.

Data at the service of beauty

The solution fits in harmony with the general concept of the Italian Pavilion and at the same time represents the expertise of OCTO, an internationally leading Italian company in IoT applications in the “mobility” sector and therefore with a strong experience in data acquisition from sensors and processing through AI (Artificial Intelligence) models capable of producing knowledge from them.

The installation of Octo PurePlace Mini and Building sanitisation devices indoors will allow the automatic activation of sanitisation cycles with photocatalytics oxidation (PCO) technology.

Places and Vehicles

OCTO PurePlace Mini

The solution to sanitise vehicles and small closed areas up to 33 sqm area, public or private, in an automatic and controlled way, eliminating carbon-based contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, and volatile organic compounds (cigarette smoke and pet odors).


OCTO PurePlace Building

The solution to sanitise vehicles and small closed areas up to 250 sqm area, public or private, in an automatic and controlled way, eliminating carbon-based contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, and volatile organic compounds (cigarette smoke and pet odors).


Buy OCTO PurePlace

OCTO PurePlace Building and PurePlace Mini devices are available online on the dedicated store and on Amazon, buy the best solution for you


Sanification is the new normal

Discover how OCTO solutions work for the sanitisation of small and large closed spaces.

OCTO PurePlace (2:09)


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